The Pigeon Page 2

Information about our Pigeons:
Pigeon Nicknames
Pigeon Questions

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
Gallery 5
Gallery 6
Gallery 7

Some HEGs
Young Cribblo
Young Cribblo
Cribblo was a Little Tuffy. She was Kindof Me Cool, Sometimes Bratty, Sometimes Really Nice, and quite Tame. She horny little girl who Really liked Males, and and also Hanging out in My bedroom. One Day she just Flew Away.
Chester 'Bezzle', Mr. Lazy
Chester "Bezzle", Mr. Lazy
This is Chester, 'the Goog'. He is a Strange being that goes In and out of Time Warps. He spends much of his Time on Mental Journeys and Outer Space Quests. Normally he is only Partially Present, and often is Startled if something in Real Life Approaches him. When he is on Earth, he is a very Tame, Food-Oriented and extremely Lazy Guy.
Bez Relaxing, He is Soo Lazy.
Bez Relaxing,
He is Soo Lazy. Just a Sleeping Bag He is. The Picture Explains it. He has his eye open that wide only because he is out in the open.
Chester up close, sitting in a cage, and being a little more alert than normal.
Poopia and Chester
Poopia and Chester
Poopia looks a little irritated that he has to share a cage with someone else. Chester looks kindof spaced out. Quite typical for him. He has his face next to the cage side, but he does not care because he is spacing out.
Brownie 'Rupee'
Brownie "Rupee"
Brownie on a Tree. He or she, we do not know what is was, often had an attitude. Sometimes this small pigeon could waste anyone in a battle. Other times it was a total loser and would not dare to stand up to anyone. It seems this bird's fighting ability was totally based on its mental condition.
Brow by a yucca. Brownie is also nicknamed Ron, Ronald McDonald, or Raw, besides Rupee.
arranged Feb 03, 2003 -- WarhawkPPC